Friday, October 14, 2011

It's Coming to a Park Near You!

The 5 - 12 year old pod will have a large play structure, swing set, maypole
and spinning and balancing equipment.

The bouldering area is designed to have the "El-Kap" climbing wall and the Jax Web Climber.  Natural climbing boulders are also planned for this pod.
Fundraising efforts will go towards completing this pod!

The 2 - 5 year old pod will have a medium sized play structure, swing set, balance beam, spring riders, and a Jax climbing area.

Please view the slide show to the left side of the web page for larger images of the playground structures.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those pods look fantastic!!!! I love the color scheme too. I walked by the other day and now I can really picture how it is all going to be!!! Can't wait!!!
